Bishop I had received a letter stating that I owed the government $14,000, stating they had overpaid me and that I would have to pay that back. That Sunday Bishop prayed for me and I received it. That following week, the Social Security Administration sent me another letter stating they owed me $16,000. I started praising God. The following week that I went to the bank I was going to give my 10% of the $16,000. The bank teller asked me where did I go to church, that’s a lot of money. And I said no, I go to Living Faith Christian Center 1540 Frye Road, where Bishop A.L. Downing resides at. All this is going to do is give me more blessings. God is going to bless me more. After I did that I was in a car accident in DC, no fault of mine. The lawyer called me and said they had cut me a check for $11,000. And that I would receive a check for $5,727. When you give tithes and offerings the windows of Heaven are open up upon you.