In the beginning of 2024, I started having all types of medical issues. Allergies, sinus issues, and funny feelings in my chest. I was making several trips to the doctor and having test after test after test done. Doctors were giving me all kinds of medicine and antibiotics and this was costing more and more. As time went on it would clear up and then it would come back. Growing up I had heard about healing but I really did not know what healing was. In April I was put on a heart monitor. It showed signs that I needed to see a cardiologist. I saw the cardiologist in July they scheduled a stress test. Once I had these tests the cardiologist felt that it was a much more urgent matter and needed to be looked at immediately. The doctor scheduled a heart cath. Up to this point, I had not told many people about what was going on with me. On Tuesday night Bible Study, I went to Bishop and told him I was having a heart cath. He has been preaching all year long on faith, miracles, and favor. That night he prayed over me. And when he prayed over me, he demanded that that spirit leave me. That it is not welcome and to get out. I immediately felt better. This was in September. A week later I go into the hospital and I have a heart cath. The cardiologist comes back in and says oh the test must have been wrong. That happens sometimes. But I truly believe that I had my miracle because I was claiming it from the very beginning. I truly believe that that night when Bishop demanded that spirit to leave it left. All of the allergies and sinus issues cleared up as well. I am healed. I have my miracle. Praise God!