Bishop, God answered my prayer. I had been praying and believing God for a car. I need a car to get to school and to work. But for the moment I have had to depend on others to take me where I needed to go. I didn’t want to continue inconveniencing others on my behalf. This was very important to me. But I did not have the money at the present time to get a car. So, I was saving up and praying for a car. Every Sunday I would pray and ask God if I am doing this right. I am believing you but I am not sure if I am doing this the right way. Because I am still a baby in Christ. I kept asking Him am I praying the right way. I kept hearing the word patience. But I was still thinking that it would not happen. I was truly beginning to doubt if my prayer was going to be answered and then one night, I had a dream that a white car was in my driveway. In the dream my grandparents woke me up and told me to come outside. I did and there was the car sitting in my driveway. Even though I had the dream, my desire for a car still seemed just like that, a dream. A dream that could possibly never be a reality. And because I have school and other things to pay for, financially I thought I am just not going to be able to do this. But that very same Sunday as those thoughts were heavy on my mind when I came home from church I was hit with a BIG surprise. Someone blessed me with a car. It was already paid for, and all I had to do was transfer the title into my name. My dream did become a reality! Because just like in my dream, my grandparents did come to my room and wake me up and tell me to come outside. And when I walked outside there sitting in my driveway was a white car just like in the dream. The wonderful people that blessed me with a car said that God told them that I needed a car and to give the car to me. It made me so happy because I knew I had hit a point where I had felt like giving up but God said NO don’t give up on me! He answered my prayer. He gave me the desire of my heart. If anyone is reading this and they are going through a time when they think it is not going to happen. I am here to tell you don’t get discouraged because God is ALWAYS on time.