A.L. Downing


Bishop, I want to give God all the PRAISE! My daughter has completed the Basic Divisional Officer Course and Officer of the Deck Phase 1. She is excelling in all courses and training. God is placing her before high-ranking officials. She has been invited to attend events in which high-ranking officials are in attendance. She had her picture taken with a two-star Admiral. She is currently completing the Littoral Combat Ship Junior Officer of the Deck Course. She is acing all assignments and tests. God is continuing to guide her path. Praise God!

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Pastor, thank you so much for your prayers and support. After several delays in which you encouraged and prayed for my daughter. She finally took the oral examination for her pilot license. Then she took the flying part of the examination with one of the most challenging instructors. Well, she is now an OFFICIAL pilot. Praise God!!!

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Bishop, I want to share with you my child is in his first of year college and has received five A’s.

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Bishop, during the church anniversary Pastor Foster began to pray about healing in your legs, knees, ankles, and hands. He said you need to make a demand on your healing. I began to make a demand on my healing at that very moment. That night when I went home I walked up the stairs and down the stairs without the use of steadying myself with the railing. I have been walking in my healing ever since.   Praise God!!!



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Bishop, I want to share, that I had a palm tree in my yard that was dying. The branches had dried and turned colors. I saw the tree pointed to it and said, “Just as Jesus spoke to the tree it withered away. I speak to you and command you to live and have healthy branches.” I don’t know when it happened, but it wasn’t long. I looked out the window and saw a nice, beautiful healthy tree with all the color on the branches!!!!


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Bishop, today I went to pay our water bill at the Water Authority Labasa. When I went inside, the cashier asked me my meter number. I replied I don’t know it. So, she said okay give me your phone number and I did. She said, your bill for the next THREE months is $1.50. I looked at her again and asked her to recheck it. Then she told me, the answer she gave me was the right one. I turned around and left and thanked my Father because He heard my prayer.

Testimony from Fiji


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I want to share that I was praying and asking God for a certain amount of money to do something for my church. Well, within an hour of praying that prayer, someone called me and told me they wanted to sow a seed. I picked up the check and it was more than enough for the project I was working on for the church and the remainder went into the seed account for the church. Praise God for His faithfulness.

D.J. F.


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Bishop, I want you to know that after you prayed for me. I had an appointment with three doctors, one for allergies, a heart doctor, and blood pressure. I want you to know that all three said I’m fine and in good health. They took me off medications. The heart doctor ran several tests because he couldn’t explain what had happened, but I know, and I praise God for it.



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Recently at my child’s football game, he was on the field and after a few plays, he began to bend over as if he were tired as always. When he got to the sideline, we asked several times what was wrong with him. The team mom, who is also a nurse began to take care of him. I went to the sideline with him and told him I’m not coaching right now; I am Dad so tell me what’s wrong. He tells me he’s shivering and shaking and can barely catch his breath. While this was going on I heard within my spirit to just put my hand on his head. He said he had a headache as well. So, I did. He was still shaking and saying his head was hurting. Then I heard, start praying. So, I did. My friend was also there watching the game, and he said, I got your back and got down on his knees and placed his hand on my hand which is still on my son’s head. Before I said, in Jesus’ name, I felt my son calm completely down as if everything was lifted off of him. He got up, got dressed, and was back to playing the game. The Lord will answer prayers.



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Bishop, I’m so excited my daughter is continuing to be a 4.0 student!!!


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Bishop, my daughter was accepted into American Airlines Pilot Cadet Academy, and she received a scholarship. That’s the favor of God.


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Bishop, I spoke over my situation the Sunday that you told us that this week things are going to happen. You said you should be saying “That is me”. I said out loud “I did say that. It is me”. The company told me it would take 5 to 10 business days for them to even look at my paperwork and possibly make a decision. I said it was not going to take 5 to 10 business days for them to review my paperwork and then possibly make a decision. It will be less than that. And it is going to work in my favor. I am taking control of this situation. I turned my paperwork in the next day which was a Monday. When I woke up on Thursday at 6 am, there was an email waiting for me. It said your paperwork has been received, reviewed, processed, and approved!!! I received a surprise check in the mail 3 business days later. It took a total of 5 business days for my paperwork to be received, reviewed, processed, and approved, a check to be mailed, and for me to receive it! FAVOR!!! Thank you, Father.



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“Good Day Bishop, I want you to know that you are a blessing to me and my household. We love you and are so thankful and blessed by your ministry.”


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“Pastor I want you to know my God allowed my daughter to complete her training and now all she has to do is pass the oral review!!!”


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Pastor Downing, you told me two years ago that I should run for City Council. I did exactly what you said. Praise God, I was elected to the City Council this year.

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I told my Heavenly Father that I wanted to attend a conference for entrepreneurs. My Father answered my prayer and I did not have to pay a dime!!! He paid my fare. He paid for my lodging. He made sure I had money for food to eat and money for transportation around the city of Dallas. Praise God, I have a Father that will give me the desires of my heart. I am truly blessed.

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My testimony of “GOD’s 4D FAVOR ON ME!!!” I paid for a coach seat 14D, and HE upgraded me to seat 1A FIRST CLASS not once BUT EVERY FLIGHT coming and going. I had the VERY FIRST seat 1A EVERY FLIGHT! I was the FIRST person the flight attendant came to. My printed boarding pass had 14D on it. When I got it from the lady at the counter it never left my hand. After I prayed for the pilot and the plane, I walked inside the plane, heading back to 14D. God said (Not something said), look at your boarding pass (PAPER) again. I looked, and it had SEAT 01A! I said, “Ohh, What OK!” and turned around. Jesus changed my printed boarding pass! I sat in my seat and pulled out my phone to look at my digital boarding pass. It had 14D, and it changed before my eyes to 01A. Then, on my return flight, AFTER I PRAYED THE WORD, He revealed I had SEAT 01A AGAIN!!! Bishop has been teaching the importance of praying the Word! Every time He revealed MY BLESSING it was immediately following my prayer.

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Good day Bishop, when we burnt the church mortgage, you told us to bring other loans. I brought my car loan and I had my daughter bring her student loan payment for college. She wrote it down on a piece of paper (which the school did not offer financial aid). It cost $15,000.00 or more plus interest for her to go to that college. Her payments were $650.00 a month. For her 12-15 month program. We both believed in God that both loans would be paid off before the end of 2023.Well, God paid off the remainder of my car loan in August of $4,400. Two days after my daughter’s graduation, God paid off the remainder of her student loan in full $3,700!!! Praise God! With His Good. Good self! He is so good. I believe and stand that buying a house is next in line. It’s coming. Also, my book will be finished by December 31st of this year.

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Good day Bishop, I want to thank you for praying for my daughter. I mentioned to you that she had to take her pilot’s exam. Well, Praise God, she passed with a 95!!!

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Pastor, I don’t know how to tell you this, because it may not be the “prettiest of testimonials but, I’m sharing it to the glory of God and not for man. I asked you to pray for me because I had been unable to relieve my self for a few days. You placed your hand on my stomach and prayed a short prayer. I remember you saying, “Jesus do it so the Father may be Glorified.” I want you to know within ten minutes I was in the bathroom!

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Bishop, My daughter passed the training for Officer Candidate School for the USN. She is going to be an officer in the United States Navy! Praise God!


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Bishop, I want you to know my daughter passed her exam!!! She received a score of 95!!! She’s preparing and training to be a pilot.


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Bishop, I was believing God for the money to cover the finances for a trip. The time was drawing close to when all travel arrangements needed to be made. Just days before the travel arrangements needed to be locked in, I received a surprise check in the mail to cover all the remaining expenses needed for the trip. Thank you God. He’s always right on time.



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I went to my doctor to have a checkup on my heart, blood work, a leakage with a valve. Well, when it was all done, everything was perfectly fine and normal. He stated that he didn’t know what was going on with the other exam. But I do. Praise God for my healing.



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Bishop, I thank my God as He will always be faithful. The Lord just blessed me with a check of $15,000.00. I was not expecting it. And it was from a bank that had made a mistake on my account, but that was over 10 years ago!!!



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Bishop about a month ago, I was experiencing issues with blood circulation in my legs and feet, causing my ankles and legs to swell. I got to the point in which I could not move. My feet were ice cold. I began to get tired and feeling very weak. Because of the poor blood circulation, oxygen was not getting to my heart, lungs and brain properly. I began to pray and speak healing over my body. I told God I did not want to die and He said “YOU WILL NOT DIE”. Bishop you called and you said you would pray for me. You said the enemy is trying to attack your body. But he has LOST. You are DELIVERED and HEALED from all that and any other abnormalities. THEREFORE BE DELIVERED and HEALED IN JESUS NAME, AMEN. I stood in agreement with you. I continued to stand on God’s Word and speaking healing over my body. Everyday I said “I am healed in Jesus Name”.This issue with my body occurred during the time of our fasting and praying. The weekend when we had sunrise prayer, I was able to get down on my knees fully and pray and talk to God. And I was able to get up by myself . I have NOT been able to do that without some assistance in a very long time. Praise God!!! God is so good! Thank you God for my healing.

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Bishop, I praise and thank God because I got promoted on my job. But, the best part of it is I didn’t even have to interview for the job!!! Nobody but God!!!

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Bishop I want you to know God jump promoted me on my job. I am now the supervisor for over 200 people and it includes a very nice raise in my salary.

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Bishop I told you that the doctor told me that I had a leaky valve and that they said my blood was flowing backwards. I was told if it persisted they may have to do heart surgery. Well, you and I touched and agreed that everything would be restored and function as it was designed. I want you to know I went back to the doctors as scheduled and was told everything is NORMAL and no sign of a leaky valve. Hallelujah!!! I praise and thank God.

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Bishop I called you on Friday night and asked you to pray for my dad. He was on life support and it appeared that doctors had given up. They were preparing us for the worst. You prayed with me and took authority over everything and asked God to do what the doctors can’t do. Well, I want you to know the NEXT day (Saturday) they took my dad off life support and said ALL is well!!! Praise God!!! Thank you so much for the prayers.

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Bishop, this is just a follow up concerning the position I filed for. I got selected for the program that I told you about!!! I was selected out of 1500 applicants. I started on 2 January and it’s going good so far. Just wanted to say thank you for your prayers. Wait…I am now looking at your last message you sent me on here, you already knew I had it by faith. You said WHEN you get it let me know. You already knew it.

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Pastor, thank you for coming to Fiji and teaching and preaching on Ownership Faith, with a Godship Authority. I remember you saying, how Pastor Bill Winston spoke to the rain as he was leaving your church to get to his airplane and it stopped. Then you said later at a different event, your wife spoke to the rain and told it to go away until your event was over and it did just that. Well we heard that. So when it started to rain on Friday afternoon just before the night service, some of us at the conference in our area spoke to the rain and commanded it to stop and go away and it did!!! Then it tried to rain again on Saturday afternoon. We spoke to it and told it to go away until the conference was completely over. It did and we had clear skies and warm weather for our baptismal services on Sunday as 21 people were baptized. Praise God for your teaching on Godship authority.

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Pastor, when you came to Fiji, I texted you a message on that Saturday morning when you first arrived. I informed you that my baby was sick and wasn’t breathing properly. You instantly texted me back and told me you were praying for her NOW. I want you to know my baby is fine, she’s eating and getting stronger. The doctors examined her and saw what was wrong and was confused as to how everything cleared up and she was able to breathe.


Pastor, I want to thank you and your team for coming to Fiji. I was having back problems before and during the conference. When Pastor Foster, declared that back problems were being healed, I received my healing. The back problem and pain I was having is all gone.


Pastor, thank you for coming to Fiji. I received my healing. The man of God called out weak ankles, too weak to hold up the body weight. That was me, but now my ankles are strong and I’m able to walk without any issues.


Pastor, as the man of God called out migraines, I received my immediate deliverance from migraines and headaches. Praise God!


Pastor, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior on Saturday morning during the conference and was baptized the next day which was Sunday. I can already tell a difference in my life.

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Good morning Bishop,
You have been saying, there is going to be supernatural debt cancellation. Well, when you get an email stating your balance of $4,220.76 is now $0. Thank you Lord!!! Debt Cancellation is happening!!!

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Greetings Bishop, sometime ago you called me up in front of the congregation. You anointed my leg that was giving me so many problems and the wound wasn’t closing. Well, I just want to tell you I’m COMPLETELY healed!!! I went to wound care and I have been cleared. The wound has closed and my skin is coming in. I just wanted to share the testimony. God is good!!! He is faithful. I am now healed and officially done going to wound center, Praise God!!! And I’m able to walk and work again.

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Good Morning Bishop. When we burnt the church mortgage and you told us to bring other loans. I brought my car loan & I had my daughter to bring her student loan payment for college. She wrote it down on a piece of paper (which the school did not offer financial aid) $15000.00 or more plus interest for her to go. Her payments were $650.00 a month. This was for a 12-15 month pro-gram. We both believed God that both loans would be paid off before the end of 2023. Well, God paid off the remainder of my car loan in August which was $4400. Two days after my daughter’s graduation, God paid off the remainder of her student loan in full $3700. With His Good Good self! He is so good. Now I’m believing and standing in faith and the Word of God that the House is next in line. It’s coming. My book will be finished by December 31st this year.

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Testimonial from the Philippines:

Pastor Downing on the second night of the conference you stopped and said the Lord has given you a word concerning the females. You also said you had never received a word like that from the Lord before and you was hesitant to say it or how to give it correctly. You said the Lord told you “there is a young lady here who is having trouble with her monthly cycle due to irregularity issues with her flow.” You said for her not to come up but you would pray for her wherever she was sitting. Well after the service I came to you with my mom and told you that what you said was amazing because I had told my mom I didn’t think I would come to the service. I came and got delivered from all those monthly irregularities. We have received several reports from other ladies who attended the conference on that night and they also received their deliverance.


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Testimonial from the Philippines:

Pastor Downing on the first night of the conference there was a lady brought in lying on a bed as she could not walk or sit up. You prayed over her on that first night. On the second night she came back and it appeared that she was in the same condition. On the third and final night she came back, but this time she was sitting up straight.


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Testimonial from the Philippines:

Pastor Downing during your conference here there was a lady who had a stroke in 2019. It affected her right side. She had trouble speaking, standing and walking. You laid hands on her and she went down under the power of the anointing. Well I want you to know she was INSTANTLY HEALED and I’m letting you know she’s still HEALED!


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Testimonial from the Philippines:

Bishop, you came to my church and spoke. You whispered in my ear that God was raising up engineers in my church. You called out those who wanted to be teachers, engineers and another profession. My daughter was going to be a teacher, but she always wanted to be an engineer. She applied to one of the top universities here to be a teacher. She received a     letter saying, she had not been accepted. I stood on what you had preached about having Bold, Radical Faith and confidence. I wrote a letter to the President of the University     asking him to please take another look at my daughter’s application. Also that she was   willing to accept any program that was open. Well a few days later we got a letter saying my daughter had been accepted to the University. We took her there to enroll in the       University and to find out what program she would be enrolled in. Well God not only got her accepted into the university, but also in the ENGINEEERING PROGRAM!!! Praise God and thank you Bishop for that message.


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Bishop may I share with you how the prophetic words you gave manifested in my family today.

If you remember you prophesied that GOD WILL SUPERSIZE OUR DREAMS. HE WILL SUPERSIZE OUR VISIONS. And you whispered to me God will raise up ENGINEERS in our church. My daughter, Keziah, had been dreaming of taking a nursing course at her most desired school, which is at the Central Mindanao University. It is one of the most popular, biggest and highest standard for a university throughout the Philippines. She took the admissions test but she failed it. This made us very sad, but we believed that God would make a way for her to attend that University.

We prayed. We asked in faith. And as an act of faith we wrote a letter to the University President. In the letter we were requesting for his presidential discretion to grace our daughter Keziah a chance to enroll in the University, based on whatever courses may be available. Last Friday we received the official confirmation email of the President’s approval of our request. Hallelujah!!!

Today we went to the University to enroll Keziah. But we were surprised because the University is putting her in the Engineering course!!! She and we only dreamed for a nursing course, but the Lord has put her in the ENGINEERING COURSE!!! That’s what she wanted all along. Indeed the Lord oversized our dreams! He   oversized our visions! He will raise up ENGINEERS in our church!

We thank God for this wonderful favor. All glory belongs to HIM.

Please pray for Keziah as she begins her journey.


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If you say, “The LORD is my refuge,”

and you make the Most High your dwelling,

10no harm will overtake you,

no disaster will come near your tent.

11For he will command his angels concerning you

to guard you in all your ways;

12they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.


Our Bishop had the leaders of the church praying Psalm 91 daily and with other specific prayers.

On 16 June 2023, my son was to start his first job. We hugged goodbye, and I prayed for him as he went out the door. My phone rang about 20 minutes later from an unknown number. I picked it up, and it was my son. He said, “Mommy, I was in an accident; please come.” A man got on the phone and said I am Bishop Nelson and told me where they were. I was a nervous wreck. I hung up, got in my car, and immediately called Bishop Downing. After telling him what was happening, he responded, “Let’s pray.” He prayed, and when he finished, I will never forget it; he said, “Christian is fine.” And gave a little giggle that only he does. It was so comforting. And he repeated, “Christian is just fine.” I believe God showed Bishop while we were on the phone. I called my husband and told him about the accident. He said I spoke so calmly. There’s no doubt I was calm because I had just gotten off the phone with Bishop.

When I arrived on the scene, the wreckage was deplorable. The whole front of the car was on the opposite side of the street. Airbags had deployed. Christian was lying down with the paramedics. That was because they made him lie down; he was originally sitting on the porch of someone’s house looking at the car. He spoke to me, asking if I was mad at him. I told him I was not and followed the ambulance to the hospital. Christian was just fine. They X-rayed and ran scans on him; they found two lung lacerations and said those needed to heal overnight or he would have surgery in the morning. Bishop and others prayed for him that night. The following morning, he leaped out of that bed when he woke up as if nothing had happened. Of course, him being him, he was ready to eat. My son only had to get three staples put in his head from a cut. He turned 17 on 19 June. All visible scars were gone that morning, and he was not sore anywhere. We give all the glory to God.

Thank you, Bishop and First Lady, for your prayers. And thank you for mandating our leadership to pray and study God’s Word.



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Our Bishop, Bishop Downing, has been teaching us about tithing. That the purpose and motivation of tithing is obedience. In the teaching, he took us to Malachi 3:10-11 10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. 11I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not drop their fruit before it is ripe,” says the LORD Almighty.

My car stopped on me July 25th , and would not start back up. We tried to jump it, but it still would not start, and it would not go into neutral even to be moved out of the street. So, I had it towed. Remembering Bishop Downing’s teaching, I began to pray because my car is a blessing from Him. His blessing has zero hardship. Yes, I called my daddy. When my husband and I spoke to the mechanic, he said it would cost $1200 to fix (new fuel pump & battery). My husband and I both got to praying Malachi 3:10-11, reminding God that we are faithful and obedient to His Word, our family, and our businesses give the whole tithes from our gross cheerfully. So, we needed Him to rebuke the devourer from taking our crops (unexpected bills). The mechanic called us back, saying the warranty company denied us, and said no. Before we could say anything, the man said, “We Rebuke That my supervisor will handle this. I will call you back.” When he hung up, my husband and I said, “We know God is working this out, so we continued thanking God. A couple of hours later, the mechanic called us back and said $1200 is NOW $150. Thank you, Bishop, for continuing to teach us His Word and having us learn it to teach others.



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Pastor Downing, about two Sundays ago as you were laying hands, one young man fell to the floor. I could see two angels standing over him. 



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Pastor Downing one Sunday as you concluded your message, you said, there’s someone here with cataracts in the right eye and you have been seeing floaters. But, the Lord is healing you now. That was on Sunday. Praise God, I’m healed, no more cataracts and no more floaters.”



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“Pastor Downing, I just want you to know that one Sunday as I was watching your Sunday services by live-stream, I saw an angel on the back wall that was really big.”



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“Bishop one Sunday as you were preaching and laying hands on people, when you came to one young man and stepped back. I saw an angel with something like golden staff in his hand step forward, he was really big.” 



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Bishop, God answered my prayer. I had been praying and believing God for a car. I need a car to get to school and to work. But for the moment I have had to depend on others to take me where I needed to go. I didn’t want to continue inconveniencing others on my behalf. This was very important to me. But I did not have the money at the present time to get a car. So, I was saving up and praying for a car. Every Sunday I would pray and ask God if I am doing this right. I am believing you but I am not sure if I am doing this the right way. Because I am still a baby in Christ. I kept asking Him am I praying the right way. I kept hearing the word patience. But I was still thinking that it would not happen. I was truly beginning to doubt if my prayer was going to be answered and then one night, I had a dream that a white car was in my driveway. In the dream my grandparents woke me up and told me to come outside. I did and there was the car sitting in my driveway. Even though I had the dream, my desire for a car still seemed just like that, a dream. A dream that could possibly never be a reality. And because I have school and other things to pay for, financially I thought I am just not going to be able to do this. But that very same Sunday as those thoughts were heavy on my mind when I came home from church I was hit with a BIG surprise. Someone blessed me with a car. It was already paid for, and all I had to do was transfer the title into my name. My dream did become a reality! Because just like in my dream, my grandparents did come to my room and wake me up and tell me to come outside. And when I walked outside there sitting in my driveway was a white car just like in the dream. The wonderful people that blessed me with a car said that God told them that I needed a car and to give the car to me. It made me so happy because I knew I had hit a point where I had felt like giving up but God said NO don’t give up on me! He answered my prayer. He gave me the desire of my heart. If anyone is reading this and they are going through a time when they think it is not going to happen. I am here to tell you don’t get discouraged because God is ALWAYS on time.


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Bishop Downing I attended your Sunday Service for the first time a few weeks ago. You spoke on Sonship Faith and mentioned about unexpected finances. I want you to know I received an unexpected check! I don’t know why I received it or anything, but I thank God.  Barb, SC

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Bishop, I thank God for you and I pray for you. I heard you preaching a few Sundays ago. You mentioned that someone is about to receive a breakthrough and I want you to know I did and I received an unexpected check in the mail. It was from a case that was settled that I had absolutely no knowledge of. Praise God!


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Bishop, I heard you preaching and sharing about businesses getting ready to take off. Let’s just look at God, I am so excited. God is doing such an amazing thing in my life and my business. I have been praying that prayer enlarge my business territory. I Iam writing a contract for a book that already has an offer to be shown on major networks, Netflix, HBO & Lifetime. The lady told me God sent her to me. Praise God!

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“Bishop Downing has been speaking on utilizing the authority inside of you. A few weeks ago I was faced with a situation in which I was going to have to pay over $24,000.00 because of an agreement that had been signed several years ago. The company was adamant that I was to be held accountable for the amount owed. This devastated me, I was already paying bills left and right and money was getting low. And this hit hard. I began to cry uncontrollably and the person on the phone tried to calm me down but I just couldn’t take it anymore, I just kept on crying. I got off of the phone and continued to cry. I felt I needed to let those tears fall. Once I finished crying I wiped my face and I began to talk to the Lord. I said “okay Lord what are we going to do about this?” Immediately God reminded me of a live Facebook feed that Bishop Downing had done a few weeks back. In that live feed he talked about having command authority and using that authority, commanding it into action. He said that we had power…dynamite power and we should use that power. At that very moment I began speaking to my situation. I said “they do not have control over this situation, I have control over this situation. I command this situation to change in my favor and I have all the power…dynamite power in Jesus Name. They can send me the contract and whatever else they want to but when they come back they are going to say that I have a zero balance in the Name of Jesus. I will owe them nothing, In Jesus Name Amen! It is done. I am not going to think about this or worry about this anymore. And devil your on notice right now. Don’t try and seep in my mind trying to make me think I’m still going to have to owe this money. Because I am not. I going to my Father on you so you better leave me alone.” The devil did try and mess with me but every time he did I would call on my Father to take care of him. The very next morning I had an email to pop up in my mailbox. It was from the company about the upcoming bill. There was an attachment I am assuming it was the contract. I did not even look at it. I said okay Lord you ready to do this. He said lets do it, open it up. I opened the email and it started with apologies for upsetting me and making me cry. It went on to say after checking some things out we found out that the person that did your exit interview did not have all of the correct information. They were not fully informed on what needed to be discussed with the client at the time of an exit interview. Because of this we are going to waive your last payment. You will have a ZERO BALANCE!!! Please disregard all future bills and statements. You do not owe anything else!!! Praise God! I activated the authority inside of me from my Heavenly Father and changed the situation in my favor. I decreed it and it came to pass! Thank you Father!”

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“Pastor Downing, I want you to know I came to church wearing a hearing aide. I could not hear in my right ear. However,
as I sat in service and towards the end of service, the Lord told me to take out my hearing aide. I did. My hearing has been
completely and miraculously restored!!! I had been visiting a lot of churches and nothing happened. But today, I received
my healing and I know I’m supposed to be here with you and this ministry.”
Columbia, SC

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“God is awesome! He loves me so much. Just recently I was faced with having to take care of something that was quoted as costing right under $14,000.00. I could not pay that kind of money. There was no way I could afford to pay $14,000.00. I talked to my Heavenly Father about it. The next day I listened to Bishop Downing’s Facebook Livestream. He was talking about Commanding the Authority and Power. So I put my faith into action. I said I have command authority over this situation. I have dynamite power. I will not have to pay $14,000.00. I’m not going to have to pay any higher than $5,000.00 for everything. I have authority over this situation. I command this situation to work out in my favor in Jesus Name. The amount I ended up having to pay was $4,900.00. I activated my faith. Thank you Jesus and thank you Bishop Downing for teaching us.”

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“God is amazingly good, and He just honored my prayer request. I sowed a seed of $50.00 and named it my Miraculous Supernatural healing seed without surgery (that was on Tuesday). Well fast forward to this Tuesday (a week later). I had my Pre-Op appointment. Please notice I said my pre-op. In this first appointment, after looking at my last X-rays, the doctor came back and told me, I DON’T HAVE TO HAVE SURGERY!!! God has honored my seed and my prayer request. I am in a boot now and I need to wear it for approximately six weeks.”


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“Pastor, I am thankful to God for the powerful word you have been preaching concerning the
Word of Faith. I had asked you to pray for my wife who was in the hospital and was scheduled to
have surgery for cancer. Well, I’m at the hospital now waiting for her discharge papers…NO
SURGERY and NO CANCER!!! Praise God!”
C. J.

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Pastor, I am thankful to God for the powerful word you have been preaching concerning the
Word of Faith. I had asked you to pray for my wife who was in the hospital and was scheduled to
have surgery for cancer. Well, I’m at the hospital now waiting for her discharge papers…NO
SURGERY and NO CANCER!!! Praise God!
C. J.

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My testimony can be summed up this way: child of divorced parents, feeling unloved, worthless and shameful, molestation, sexual immorality, having a child out of wedlock, being told I was going to hell and believing it, marriage to a younger man and being emotional abused, sickness in my young children: asthma for my  seven month old daughter, leukemia for my 2 1/2 year old son, my husband cheating, separation from my husband, being jobless with no way to support my children, drug addiction in my now adult older son, the struggle to find work. The struggles with a teenage friend of the family who practically lived at my house at times as his mother was abusing drugs, raised by his grandmother who could not control him, Him getting involved with gangs, stealing and going to DJJ, then breaking in a house and killing the owner. My children getting pulled out of school by the police to answer questions about him and seeing if they were involved and his eventual arrest and in DJJ. And then moved to SCDC with a 30-year sentence for murder. Discovering I had breast cancer, alcohol abuse in my 17-year-old son and his expulsion from school just before graduation, my 17-year-old teenage son having a child out of wedlock, my daughter leaving home at 17 and me not being able to stop her. I had more guilt and shame than I knew what to do with, custody battles for my son over his child, the marriage of my daughter at 18 and the children that followed. Eventually my son married the mother of his children and joined the Army.

I met a young lady who talked to me about God. She told me that God loved me. I discovered God had been working in my life the entire time. I just had to sit back and let him show me how much he loved and cared for me. Getting in the right church, with the right pastor who is leading me on the path God has for me. I am so thankful to be a part of Living Faith Christian Center. I still struggle with who I am and God, and sometimes shame, guilt and condemnation try to creep into my life. But now I know that I am more than a conqueror and when the enemy rises up, I know that he’s already defeated. And I realize he’s trying to stop me from walking the path God has set before me.



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Pastor, The Lord has truly blessed me. I had a very high profile job with the government. However, I didn’t have peace and was somewhat conflicted inside. I prayed about it and the Lord open another job, where I will be doing the same thing, but now I will be working from home!



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Pastor, I am thankful to God who has opened a door for me to go to college. The college offers exactly what I want to do in life. It’s a ten-month course and upon graduating they will make sure I have employment. I’m sooo happy and thankful to God for this great opportunity.



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I want to start off by saying, Happy Anniversary to you and First Lady. I wish you many many more years of strength, blessings, and happiness. 

 I was talking to Mama (Bridgette) and realized that I should probably share directly with you exactly how you have changed my life. I have attended exactly one church service with you. It was May 12, 2019. That was Mother’s Day and Mama’s birthday. The service was, “Women, know your worth.” 

 Bishop, at that time I was in the worst shape emotionally and spiritually I had ever been. I was on a precipice, and I was afraid that there wasn’t any direction for me but further down the depression and self-loathing spiral I was in. I tried hard to put on a good face, but my light had been all but snuffed out inside. That sermon, that encouragement, that love, it stuck with me. All the way back to Minnesota. It wouldn’t leave my mind. A few days later, I was driving home from work, and I started praying. 

You see, I hadn’t prayed in a long time. I fell out with conventional churches because of the experiences I had growing up. I saw people saying one thing and doing another. I know from Mama and Daddy both that you are a man of your word. So, to hear the message from you, it stuck. Back to that day, I started praying and I prayed, and I cried myself all the way home. I cried out, “Lord send me someone to love me for me. Someone who will give me what I need.” 

Two days after that, I started chatting with Steven. Steven has been the man that everyone prayed into my life. He is home for me. He allows me the comfort, care, courtesy, and safety to have a relationship with God and to heal. 

Speaking of healing. I mentioned that you had changed my life. While Steven is amazing and my life has changed for the better, you started well before that. When God gave my Mama to you to guide, he helped you give me the greatest gift of all. You gave me a relationship with her. Before she became a member of your church, she was not a person I could tolerate. We were like oil and water. 

 From a distance, I can see the guidance that First Lady and you have given to her. I also believe wholeheartedly that your prayers touched her and every generation of her line. It is in thanks to you Bishop that I not only got my mama back, and my wonderful husband, but that I found my worth. 

 Since that day, I have healed so much emotionally that I have peace for the first time. Please know that you are a blessing. You are full of the light of the Lord, and it has such a far-reaching effect that you’re not even aware of it. Thank you, a thousand times, over, thank you. 


A note for First Lady as well. 

First Lady, 

You are the epitome of grace and class. Thank you for showing Mama that she can be a woman. That she doesn’t have to be tough all the time. She’s still coming into it, but I’ll work on her from this end as well. 

 I apologize for this being so long. I just feel like you absolutely needed to know exactly how much of an impact you’ve had on one life. You saved me. I was ready to be done with this world and God used you to save me. You can feel free to share this with whomever. 

  Thank you, 



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Pastor, I want to just share that the blessings have already begun for us. We got a house not long ago. And we were able to get another car!!! Praise God, blessings just keep happening for us.



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Pastor, I want you to know what you’re preaching about the blessing overtaking us, it’s happening NOW! Not only did my boss come to me saying, I’m putting you in for an award and asked me what do you want money, days off or step increase?  I said a step increase, and I received a step 5 increase. And then my spouse received a $1000.00 performance award. But NOW my business is growing more and more as I received a call from a pastor asking me to do some work for him. I have a signed contract with him and his son. But wait, then God sent an older Jewish gentleman from Israel, who is now a Christian. He shared his story with me and then asked if he could take my business card to his church to share. I give God all the Praise!!! Our God is AWESOME!!!

C.S. J.N.C


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Pastor, first I thank my God and I want to thank you for the rich Word of God that you deliver to us on Sunday and through Bible Study. About one and a half years ago, my wife’s doctor told her that she had cancer and a tumor.  However, my wife didn’t tell me what the doctor had said until about six months ago. The reason she finally told me was because the doctor wanted to explain to me the type of procedure or surgery she had already agreed too. I told the doctor there will be NO surgery, no cuts or test made on her body until I first seek God’s guidance. I told him I needed 30 days. He told me he would not test her again no matter what happens. I respectfully said to him that’s fine, we can get another doctor, but there will be no surgery for 30 days. During those 30 days I was listening to all those sermons you had preached on faith and I began to speak the word of faith over my wife. Well my 30 days were up on the 13th of June 2022. I drove my wife back to the Lexington Hospital. The lead doctor (whom I won’t mention), but I was told he oversees the cancer section of the hospital. He took her in the back to perform surgery on her. I told them “you need to do another test or check because you won’t find the cancer nor the tumor.” Well the next thing I noticed was them bringing my wife back. They told me she was healthy and there were no signs of the cancer or the tumor! The doctors were baffled. The lead doctor asked me if I could bring her back in seven days so he could test her on another piece of equipment. I told him I would bring her back. But he would get the same results. I praise and thank God that today my wife is cancer and tumor free. We could not have done it without the powerful word of faith coming from you and the ministers at Living Faith Christian Center.



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It’s our Season! I received a $1000.00 performance award yesterday! This was right after I found out that I did not get another position I applied for. But I thanked GOD anyway, I’m still Blessed and Highly favored.

J.C.J. Columbia, SC


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HEAVY FAVOR OF GOD IS ALL OVER ME! Glory to God! My boss came to me saying, I’m putting you in for an award. What do you want money, days off or a step increase?  I said, “I want a Step Increase!” So, I will receive a step 5 increase.



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Pastor, I want to share with you that I received an unexpected promotion on my job. It came with a raise and a bonus. I thank God for it.

M.M.A.  Columbia, SC


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Bishop Downing, I received a bonus at work. It was a performance award for $1600! Praise God!

J.C. Columbia, SC


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Pastor, I just want you to know that as we have been confession our prayers after receiving the offerings on Sunday and your preaching on the Supernatural. I went to work as usual, however, there was something on the inside telling me to check my bank account. I had NO reason to check my account. It wasn’t pay day. But, when I checked my account there was over $6,000.00 in my account!!! But, wait, three days later I checked it again and there was another $9,000.00 in my account UNEXPECTEDLY, but very much needed!!! Praise God, now I’m looking at paying things off and getting my home next. God is faithful.

M.Z. Columbia, SC


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Pastor Downing you have been preaching and teaching about How to Receive the Supernatural into our Lives and unexpected promotions, and money being deposited into bank accounts. Well, today as I was sitting on my contractor job. One of the supervisors came to me and told me about a government job. He asked for my resume’ and within 3 days I was unexpectedly called in for an interview. I wasn’t told I was going to be interviewed and I had not even applied for the position. Within two days I was told I had the job!!! Praise God, it’s a GS 11 position. God is so good. Thank you so much for preaching the Word of God to us.

J.C.  Columbia, SC


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Pastor, you have been preaching and teaching about the Supernatural and blessings and blessings. My husband and I filed our taxes for ourselves and the business. Normally we have to pay back quite a bit of money. But Praise God, this year we don’t have to pay anything and we will receive a substantial amount back! The accountant told us, it was because we are tithers. I thank God. Because He’s allowing the tithes to work for us and the accountant recognized it as well.

 MGJ, Columbia SC


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Pastor I want to share that since I have become a member of Living faith Christian Center my faith has really grown. I want to share that about two weeks ago my uncle was bad off sick. He had a stroke. I went to see him and prayed for him. Before, I would not have been able to do that. But I prayed and thanked God. He’s walking and talking and you can’t tell he had a stroke. The Lord healed him and he’s fully recovered.

W.M.  Columbia, SC


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Pastor Downing has been declaring that people would get unexpected money in their accounts. Last week I had to use my debit card to pay our cell phone bill but I didn’t have the money in my account so I was in the negative $769.05. So this morning I was saying my prayers and asking God to fix my account so I will be able to pay my bills next month and I was checking my account a few minutes ago and there was a deposit for $2,153.40 put into my account unexpectedly. So now I can pay my car insurance, the light bill, cable bill, two credit card bills, water bill for my daughter. and get the air conditioning fixed. Praise God for His faithfulness.

M.R. from Columbia, SC


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Bishop Downing and First Lady Downing my daughter was recently in a very bad car accident. Her car flipped over several times on the interstate and slid down the highway on it’s head. My daughter crawled out of the car by herself and walked way with only cuts and bruises, no concussion, no broken bones, clothed in her right mind. Her car was totaled but my daughter was fine. I thank God for His Grace and His Mercy, for the covering of protection that is over her life. Thank you Father.


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Bishop Downing In January I logged onto my USAA account to pay my car insurance bill and it said that my monthly bill was already paid. I said thank you Lord, alright now. In February I logged into my account to pay insurance bill and it said my monthly bill was already paid. I clicked on the additional information box and it said that there was an error on their part that dated back to 2017 and the money was being refunded back to my account in the form of a credit. I said thank you God. Won’t He do it. Yes He Will…EVERYTIME!              



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Good Morning! I couldn’t hold this any longer! I received a surprise check in the mail, over $7,000! God is sooooo awesome!!!



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Hi Bishop and First Lady GUESS WHAT!!! I just got a surprise check in the mail for $750.00!!! That’s the BIGGEST CHECK I have ever got!!! I told mom and dad! I gave my tithes on it as soon as I deposited it!!!


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Pastor I want you to know my wife and I have been listening to your messages and putting things into action. We have been giving our tithes and spending time in the Word. We had been believing God for a house. We had looked at several homes, but could never settled on one or if we did it would be sold, before we could offer a bid on it. We were so disappointed. But then God gave us the home that we so desired and at a price lower than we expected and a better community! We have closed on our home and moving in!  I thank God for His faithfulness.

V.C. K


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Pastor, I want to thank God for His faithfulness. My daughter was working at a certain restaurant and due to the virus work was very slow. She was working, based on tips. She applied for a job at a “high end” restaurant where you receive a salary, plus tips. Well, she text me and told me she had received an email informing her that she did NOT get the job. I sent her some words of encouragement via text to not give up, God’s got this, not to worry.   A little while later she sent me a text message with a photo attached of a voice mail message that she had received from the company that had sent her the email. It seems they had tried to call her and for some reason she did not hear the phone ring so she didn’t get the call so it went to voice mail. After she had read my text messages she went about her day and later on went back to her phone and saw that she had a missed call and a voice mail was waiting for her. Now the email said that she did NOT get the job but the voice mail said that they reviewed her resume and that she checked all of the boxes and they wanted to know when she could come in to start the onboarding process, to please give them a call back. THEY WANTED HER TO START IMMEDIATELY! Pastor I know that was the Lord. Don’t tell me He isn’t always working on our behalf. You just have to trust Him. Don’t count Him out.



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Bishop, I sowed a seed for my company and within two days someone came to me with the answer to that seed.


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Praise God! We just received a check in the mail that was unexpected for over $10,000. And about a week after taht i received another unexpected check!! Praise God, He is faithful.



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Pastor, I am super excited!! My wife and I just closed on our home!!! It’s been a dream of ours to have our own house and now God has allowed us to purchase it. I know more is coming.


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Pastor, I am celebrating and rejoicing. I was at home and someone, I don’t know who it was. But they came and slid a check under my door for over $7,500.00. They said it was for me and my daughter.


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Pastor, I want you to know when Pastor Todd was praying for people with pain in their knees, I didn’t go for prayer. But I could tell something was going on in my knees. Well, I want you to know the pain has left my knees and I’m able to move so much better.


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Pastor I was hearing about how God was blessing everyone in the church and finally I said to Him, Lord what about me. I’m a tither and I’m walking upright before you. I made my confession with scriptures and three weeks later. I got an unexpected deposit in my account of over $20,0000.00! Praise God!! I paid off all my five credit cards. I have no debts, except my mortgage payment. God is so Good!!


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Pastor, the position I had asked you to pray with me about, well they closed that particular requisition number and I hadn’t heard anything since my August 24th interview. I met with my director on October 27th to let her know what all that I do in my position and how I applied and interviewed for the job but didn’t hear anything. She told me she would look into it. Fast forward to November, because a new requisition number showed up in my email as if I had applied for this same job again on November 9th. Then today, I received the offer letter. Pastor that was the Favor and God through the whole process.


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I want you to know my church received an unexpected check in the mail! Praise God!


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During Word Explosion I sowed a seed. I gave the money to Dr. Bill Winston. When I gave him the money he said “Twice Sown Seed”. I repeated what he said right after he said it “Twice Sown Seed”. The seed I sowed was $20. Less than seven days later I received a check for $5,000. Praise God!


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My daughter cut her eye at work. She went to Emergent Care. She had a bad laceration on her eye. The doctor prescribed her some medication that she had to put in her eye for several days. The doctor instructed her that someone had lost their eye with an injury such as that and that it was very important for her to put the drops in her eyes regularly every four hours like clockwork. She could not miss one dose. Well the moment she called and told me that she had the injury, we began believing God for her healing in advance. She was told to stay out of sunlight and direct light so she put a patch over her eye. She was in a lot of pain. But God! She had a follow up the very next day and the doctor said that the cut on her eye was almost completely healed. She went back the day after and the doctor said she was completely healed. It was as if nothing had ever happened!!! We are still rejoicing and thanking Him for what He has done.


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Praise God!!! My daughter was notified that she would be receiving a $33,000.00 grant for her graduate school tuition!!! We are believing that it will be for the duration of her graduate work. We praise and thank God for His faithfulness.


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Bishop, I want to share with you, I’m at work and I’ve just been asked to “name” my wages (just like Genesis 30:28). I gave them my wage request and now just standing on His Word. I’m thanking God in advance.


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Bishop, I want you to Know God is so faithful. You have been preaching about Believing God for what you want, standing on His Word and The renewing of your mind. Well, I had been looking for a house. But, every time I would find one, others had bid on the house and my offered was not accepted. This happened a few times. God is blessing me to have my home BUILT. It’s on a corner lot. It has everything that I believed God for, plus, my down payment was cut in half and I’m moving in it ahead of schedule. Praise God!!!


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Bishop, I just had to share this. The other Sunday in May or early June, you prayed for me and I fell under the power of the Holy Spirit. But, before, I fell I remember, thanking God in advance for my S550 Mercedes. Well, a few days later I want you to know I have my Mercedes S 550. It has everything I was believing God for and more Plus, I got it at the price I wanted. 


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Praise God!! I had some tenants in my house and had to put them out. They left the house in disarray. However, my husband and I (mostly my husband) went about cleaning the house and not complaining.  We just kept singing God’s praise and faithfulness. We cleaned the house and put it on the market. The house wasn’t on the market long. The house was sold and we received $24,000.00 about what was asked!!


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Pastor, you have been preaching and teaching about the Supernatural and to blessings and blessings. My husband and I filed our taxes for ourselves and the business. Normally we have to paid back quiet a bite of money. But, Praise God, this year we don’t have to pay anything and will received a substantial amount back!! The accountant told us, it was because we are tithers. I thank God. Because He’s allowing the tithes to work for us and the accountant recognized it as well.

MGJ, Columbia SC


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Pastor I want to share that since I have become a member of Living faith Christian Center my faith has really grown. O want to share that about to weeks ago my uncle was bad off sick. He had a stroke. I went to see him and prayed for him. Before I would not have been able to do that. But, I prayed and thank God, he’s walking and talking and you can’t tell he had a stroke, The Lord healed him and he’s fully recovered.

W.M.  Columbia, SC


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Pastor I want to share with you that I received un unexpected promotion on my job. It came with a raise and a bonus. I thank God for it.

M.M. Columbia, SC

- Promotion -

Pastor Downing you have been preaching and teaching about How to Receive the Supernatural into our Lives and unexpected promotions, and money being deposited into bank accounts.

Well, today as I was sitting on my contractor job. One of the supervisors came to me and told me about a government job. He asked for my resume’ and within 3 days I was unexpected called in for an interview. I wasn’t told I was going to be interviewed and I had not even applied for the position. Within two days I was told I had the job!!! Praise God, it’s a GS 11 position. God is sooo good. Thank you soo much for preaching the Word of God to us.

J.C.  Columbia, SC

- Unexpected -


Pastor Downing has been declaring that people would get unexpected money in their accounts.
Last week I had to use my debit card to pay our cell phone bill but I didn’t have the money in my account so I was in the negative $769.05 So this morning I was saying my prayers and asking God to fix my account so I will be able to pay my bills next month and I was checking my account a few minutes ago and there was a deposit for $2,153.40 put into my account unexpectedly. So now I can pay my car insurance, the light bill, cable bill, two credit card bills, water for bill for my daughter. and get the air conditioning fixed…. Praise God for His faithfulness
M. R. from Columbia, SC

- Praise Report -

Pastor Downing stated as part of the Word from the Lord for 2020…BLESSINGS ON BLESSINGS ON BLESSINGS! My husband and I are continuing to confess  the Jabez prayer and the 2020 Vision!  We received a surprise deposit into our account and was able to payoff 3 Debts!!!!

LDJ, South Carolina

- Praise Report -

Pastor and First Lady
Thank you so much for the vision you spoke! I told God I will listen to the recording of you speaking our 2020 Vision EVERYDAY!

I was asked out of the blue yesterday by a person hiring for a military base to send them my resume. Then today I was asked to write an upbeat Gospel Jingle, sing it & record it to be continually played on the radio, Facebook, etc… before the minister speaks. I’m SO EXCITED FOR THE EXTRA ORDINARY THAT GOD HAS FOR ME!! I am stepping out on BOLDNESS this year!


- Praise Report -

This is the testimony of Brother Henry Rabonu as it was sent to us.

In the first week of September 2019, Henry Rabonu, a 17 year old student had body pains that started from his legs and went all over with headache. Not knowing the cause, his mother took him to the hospital for check up. He was given medications only and sent home.

On the 9th of September, his parents took him back to hospital as his legs were getting swollen and he was admitted that day at Nadi Hospital. On the 11th he was further transferred to the Lautoka Hospital.

Henry’s condition grew worse. He underwent numerous tests and biopsies to see what type of disease may have caused his condition but the doctors found nothing. They may have assumed that Henry has S.L.E which consists of 7 different types of diseases, but to no avail. The I.C.U, the surgeons still could not out a finger on a particular disease. Henry was in so much pain 24/7.

Being tired from all the tests and biopsies, all he wanted to do was to go home. His father Nemani Rabonu kept saying “be patient my son, you will be home soon”. At one point Henry had lost consciousness and was gone for 20 minutes after a female doctor while in a hurry operated on Henry before going into the children’s ward to check on a patient. His father was so furious the way the doctor operated on him. After giving him a needle to make him numb, in seconds she was already cutting on him. Henry was not numb yet as he felt the knife piercing through his body and that’s when he lost himself`. His father kept on praying “Lord this is my son Henry do something”`. Henrys family attends the village Methodist church but they frequently sow seed into the Word of Faith International Church.

Henrys grandmother asked if Pastor Downing could pray for him on Tuesday night December 18th –the 2nd night that Pastor preached at the Word of Faith. Everyone at the building stood in agreement over Henry’s healing. Meanwhile at the hospital Henry couldn’t go to the restroom alone- he has to go with someone’s else’s help. To the parents surprise Henry got out of bed and headed for the restroom `on his own. The next`morning he came with his mother all the way from the hospital that is about 45mins drive to be able to sow some bread for the campers breakfast. `Well sure enough on Friday the 20th of December, Henry was free to go home.

With no disclosure on the doctors report they’re still amazed not knowing what happened. Henry came home to families and relatives waiting to welcome him home. On Sunday afternoon the 22nd of December he came with his family to be part of the closing of the camp To God be the glory.

- Testimony from Fiji -

Good Morning Pastor.
I have to tell you this!
You been talking about praying on our jobs .We have had 2 tragedies here this year, down falls for the company, and layoffs. A tremendous amount of people are leaving the company. I still have  been praying, I know God has me on assignment. We had our townhall meeting this morning on how the company is doing and the future of the company. This meeting is held once a year.  Well! They just reported to us that in 2017 we were $3.8 million in the hole and that caused  lay offs and 1/2 bonuses were still given.
2018 the company was about $1.8 million in the hole but sales for the year was around $4.2 million. We still had a lot of people we owed and  that caused a good bit of companies to blacklist us. The morale was down and people started to retire and some even quit.
BUT GOD! 2019 report was that the company came out of the hole in 6mths time (Oct-Dec 2018) (Jan.-Mar.2019)
The company made well over $5.1 million and bonuses were received for 2018 and 2019 for April. Raised will be given in April. The blacklist of companies came back with multiple opportunities for business. Businesses from all over. I know this might be small to some but I just wanted to share and say prayer definitely works!
Thanks Pastor for being the Great leading Pastor you are!

- Praise Report SC -
Pastor/First Lady,
On December 11, 2017, you shared with LFM (through the Word of Encouragement), that 2018 is the Year of Rain!!! “For that which was longed promised, that which you have longed for and have seen and waited for is about to come to pass.”  Well, I am happy to report that my rain has begun and on May 17, 2018, my wait will be over!!! Today, I received official notification that I have been promoted to Program Manager of the Quality Assurance Department within our Division, with an official start date of May 17, 2018.
I am a firm believer that what God has for you is for you!!!  Over the past 18 months, God has been preparing me for this opportunity of a lifetime and breaking any barriers that stood in my way. To begin, I was accepted as a candidate for the Certified Public Manager Program for the State of South Carolina.  A program in which I was not qualified to attend. You see, this program was designed for current managers of the state.  I, at the time of acceptance, was not a manager, but no one ever questioned that.  And, on May 16, 2018, I will receive my credentials as a Certified Public Manager–an accolade that is recognized nationwide.
In addition, when I initially applied for my supervisors’ position, my application was not forwarded to the hiring manager for me to be afforded an opportunity to interview.  However, a week after receiving the notification that I did not meet the minimum qualifications for the job, an email was sent indicating that there was an error with the original posting and, if interested, I could reapply.  So, I did. This time, my application made the “cut.”  I was afforded an interview and was awarded the job!  All within a two-week timeframe.  To God Be the Glory!!!!
And, the story does not end there.  When I arrived home today, I received an unexpected check in the mail!!! 
As I type this, I am overcome with emotion and I am sure I am leaving out something. But, I couldn’t wait to share the wonderful news of how good my God has been!! 
I sit in expectation of more to come!!!
God Bless,
Lisa Marie Ragland, MSW
- Year of Rain 2018 -

After 31 years of standing on the word of the Lord Jesus Christ, God reversed dishonorable discharge into an honorable discharge from the military. As a result I’m able to seek medical treatment assistance from the VA hospital. Moreover, I’m now entitled to all the benefits that comes with an honorable discharge Praise God.

- South Carolina -

Sometime back on one of the periscope  calls pastor prayed and said God was going to continue to elevate me in area of work. I was  temporarily promoted to the Civilian  Personnel Division Chief I have been praying to that I would receive this as a permanent position. I know I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and the timing worked out so I know it was God.  I continue to seek peace and confirmation that comes with knowing this is His will. I started there in fall of 2016 and it’s only been 18 months and I’ve been promoted twice. Extremely humbled and equally amazed at what God is doing.

- North Carolina -
You ministered to me awhile back that I would have unusual kindness and favor. I received a phone call from one of my cousins and asked how I was going to pay my house payment. My cousin agreed to pay my house payment.
WOW look at God speak through you on my behalf. Praise the Lord for unusual kindness and favor.Thank you and LFM for everything.
- South Carolina -

    As you know or may not know I have been in a new position since the middle of Nov of 2017.  I have been praying for 10 years for the Lord to move from the front desk but nothing ever came.  Finally my Director (not my manager) was talking one day and mentioned that she had to find someone for the Billing and Coding position and I spoke up and told her that I would do it.  She agreed and talked it over with my manager.  The position came with a pay raise and own office even though I was not qualified for it.  A memo came out last week that all persons that had access to patients chart in a manner of billing needed to be Certified Billing and Coding personnel.  Instead of my now boss finding another person that is certified to take my position my boss is sending me to class to become a Certified Coder and the Company is paying for it!!  I read my “RECEIVING THE ABUNDANCE” decree every day!  I have it right over my computer with my name highlighted.  I have a coworker that comes in my office now and wants to know what has my Pastor sent out because she wants a copy of it..lol.   I know that what I have longed for and have seen and waited for is about to come to pass! The Lord has already told me to not get comfortable with this because He has much more in store for me!  I am His treasured possession and I belong to Him! Thank you Pastor and 1st Lady for always being that guiding light and always speaking a God sent word into my life.  Love you both dearly!

- Praise Report from SC -

September 12th of 2016 I was shopping at my local grocery store and fell  due to water on the floor and fractured my knee. I reached out to their insurance company of the local grocery store  asking about filing a claim to pay for the medical expenses. The offer I received would not even cover the CT scan. The business office at the hospital  suggested I consult a lawyer to get the insurance  company to pay the bills. I attended Word Explosion was wearing a knee brace and decided to act in faith and remove it. After a year the lawyer finally called and asked what I wanted from the insurance company. I asked that the insurance company to accept responsibility for the medical expenses, and to cover their expenses.  THIS YEAR that company has finally offered a settlement which is 10 times the amount of the All the expenses combined and 25 times the original offer!!!

- South Carolina -

First of all, I’ll say this.. I’m in no way bragging on me. Promotion comes from the LORD. Any ability I have or favor I was shown comes from HIM. 2016 was a traumatic year for me. I’ll not go into details, but it was bad. I really began leaning on the LORD and became consistent with tithing and giving money to others in faith in addition to tithe. I began a new journey by moving to an area with no employment. I got hired November 2016, with no experience at all in the job category. In less than 2 months, I was promoted to another position within the same company. Another 2 months passed and I was promoted to lead of the area I started in (same company). Later the same year, I received a significant raise. And again in about a years time after my start date, I’ve been promoted again to an office job, salary position, all in the same company. Increase after increase after increase.. all with little or no experience in each position. That’s the favor of GOD!!!! And That’s just the beginning. I will continue to tithe and give more and more. At this rate, I’ll own the company soon. GLORY BE TO THE MOST HIGH. He gives the increase and causes a harvest of great generosity in us.

- J Smith -

Hearing from the Lord, November 21, 2017.

The Lord woke me up about 2:30 am and I went and got my notebook and pen.  Prayed in the Spirit for a moment, then just listened.   He directed me to Isaiah 64:11.  It says, The holy and beautiful Temple where our ancestors praised you has been burned down, and all the things of beauty are destroyed.”  At first (being 2:30 am), I thought…  what?  Did I miss something?   Then I prayed in the spirit again briefly then I got this following word, along with Instruction to whomever reads it.

The instruction is:

There is one place written where it has a personal name.  In that location, whomever is reading shall put their own name in there instead.

Then the Lord said,

This was an image of the church. (Isaiah 64:11*) My body.  My church had become desolate, overrun, segregated, separated, and condemned.  But no longer.  I am raising them up.  An army of prayer warriors.  My kings and priests are silent no longer.  The words of their mouth have been heard.  Their outcries have been heard and no longer will the enemy overrun them.  The temple is no longer destroyed.  For I have been lifted up in great expectation and I will meet and exceed those expectations.  I will surpass your goals and dreams.  My body, My church is lifted up with Me.  When I am lifted up, you are lifted up.

For we are one.  No longer are you down trodden and disconnected.  No longer are you defeated and disturbed.  For I am strong and mighty and I will not be ashamed of my church. You, church, are strong and mighty.  A great reckoning.  Mighty!!  Let the enemy shake and cower.  For the time has come.  The outreach has begun.  My word is spreading.  That means I am spreading.  I am being outstretched to all the lands.  Can you not feel my strength and might?  The enemy can literally do no-thing to stop it.  Even their plans to slow it have failed.  I cannot be stopped.  Therefore, you church, you body, you (your name here) cannot be stopped.  Let the nations hear and tremble.  I, THE LORD, SHALL NOT BE STOPPED.  I am mighty and I will no longer let My people be ashamed.  Rise up church.  Rise up my people. Be alive.  Be strong.  Be courageous.  I have spoken.  It is finished! It is finished! It is finished and complete, says The Lord of Hosts.  Amen.


- Jonathan Smith -

After diligently going over the prophesied of God from pastor A.L. Downing, I have been receiving financial income from uncommon avenues. Pastor Downing prophesied that great blessing of financial wealth is flowing into my life on a ridiculous level. Just recently, I have received $300 from an unusually source-. Praise God the supernatural financial wealth flow has started. I do not despise small starts. “this is the start of the million dollar flow of financial wealth prophesied into my life by A.L. Downing”

- Anonymous -

After attending Living Faith Ministries for several weeks, Pastor Downing ask  if I would setup the on-line video streaming system. However, at that time, I did not know anything about online video streaming . However, after receiving my assignment from the  Lord through Pastor Downing,  I immediately began to pray in the Holy Spirit.

Afterwards I started downloading solutions by the Holy Spirit.

Now you are experiencing the newly designed website and streaming video service through the power of the Holy Spirit wisdom. Keep in mind I never designed and implemented a complex project of Audio/Video and website design.

Praise God and the Lord Jesus Christ!

- Jerome Cooper -

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